
Products     Barcode Readers and Verifiers     Barcode Verifiers     TruCheck 2D UV™

TruCheck 2D UV™


The TruCheck 2D UV™ is for small 2D invisible barcodes. The field of view is 17mm x 12.5mm and can handle invisible 2D codes as small as 5mil.

The TruCheck 2D UV™ is the first commercially available hand-held barcode verifier for the UV barcodes used in security applications such as track and trace.  The new barcode verifier incorporates UV wavelength LEDs and a UV sensitive CCD camera in order to test the readability of these new invisible barcodes.

TruCheck 2D UV TC-826
Scan Wide/High: 17x12.5mm
Light Source: Ultra Violet LED
Lighting Angle Options: 45
Min X-Dim: 5mil
Aperature: Synthetic
Format: Hand Held
Size: 7/6.5/7"
Weight: 4 lbs

TruCheck 2D UV TC-826

The TruCheck 2D UV is for small 2D invisible barcodes. The field of view is 17mm x 12.5mm and can handle invisible 2D codes as small as 5mil.

Webscan Calibration Card
Contains a Master (nearly perfect) Data Matrix symbol and a Master (nearly perfect) UPC-A symbol. This card can be used to calibrate any Webscan barcode verifier, both 1D and 2D (except a 20 MIL aperture Laser verifier).
WebScan Cal Card
GS-1 Data Matrix Calibration Card
This can be used to calibrate reflectance levels, dimensional measurements for aperture and x-dimension, and also to measure imperfect data matrix symbols with “known” expected results.